Ret Pally Best In Slot
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And if there's one thing Ret is going to be struggling on as usual, it's movement. Its that one extra half a second to adjust and move yourself over with the tank while not dropping your rotation. Final verdict did more for dps maintenance in WoD than I think anyone gave it credit for. Those of you in the top 1% of raiding you need to move on and ignore this post I understand you have a symbiotic mind link with your tank, but most of us don't. Those in the lower echelons, please don't discount final verdict as a crutch. It's an extremely versatile crutch.
So, while part of my comment is specific to ret pally, it has some roots going back to these various web sites.
I was trying to find out what are the best legendaries for ret pally so thanks for that but unfortunate to find out that the one I already got from a world boss is the one at the bottom of the list. I was hoping to use it just to finish the Final Pieces quest so to my dismay that it's probably not worth it. I look to see what it takes to get the Mad Paragon. Oh, you have to do the Quest the Great Vault. Are you kidding me?
And that is my more general rant against WoW and a lot of the websites. Not all of us are interested in M+ runs or raiding. And a lot of the websites are focused on that. What about us regular joes that just want to play an interesting game and can't give the time soak of raiding and so forth.
And so if someone asks why do I care about legendaries then, well, I guess don't but Blizz gives me quests to go into Torghast to do, like rescue people and like this Final Quest. So, to finish the quest I need to make one (haven't seen any for sale on AH yet, or the missives) put to spend all of this time in Torghast to make something for nothing.....?
To be clear, those that like to run M+ and raids (harder content) should get better gear for their efforts. I'm not expecting their levels of rewards (which I hear are pretty lame in SL) but why make me make legendaries for nothing then? To try and sell on AH for money? If one has limited time to play, sure don't want to spend all the time in Torghast that is required. That is just boring content, much like the daily and WQ.
Why do I bother playing? And have been doing so since late 2004? This is because there are a lot of the aspects of the game I like. And I'll stop there.
Thanks for your time.
its difficult to be available at the right times and in the past I used to do a lot of raids and dungeons and found a lot of the people involved seem to think WoW is a life and death career and become very anal about almost anything
But I digress
Once again we have to run them to farm various mats with which to make the better gear
but I also quest a lot to farm the damned rep we need despite blizz saying no more rep farming.... i never fell for any of that bull
So to my questions
would someone please tell me if the legendary's are actually going to be better than my 197 queensguard gear?
base items seem to be whatever level shadowghast gear you can make ...I think way of finding out anything in game...
i can make 190 armour on my blacksmith there is a link to a calculator that uses crappy 157 gear ... so im guessing you can use any shadowghast gear
So in regard to my Ret Pally if these legendaries are worth making in what order should I make them?
and if you can level-up the legendaries do you do it?
and for general questing and the necessary dungeon raids and mythic runs which are the best attributes to put on to ret pally legendary gear?
Sorry to ask so much but I'm not finding any good sources of info in game at all.
SO any and all advice would be greatly appreciated
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As little as less than $1 a month to enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, and support the site!

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Comment by Aquanei
I think Final Verdict has a little bit more than coolness factor going on. I'm sure if every fight were patchwerk then yes it falls behind other options but I feel like for raiding and dungeoning it has far more use on fights where movement is going to render your damage less than stable for your average joe. There's been 1000's of a times where a tank has just jerked the boss out of range and screwed up my rotation without any warning or fight factor other than the person just had ants in their pants and liked the view better from 3 inches to the left. And then when those factors DO come in having extended range on your finisher is an incalculable aid to damage maintenance.And if there's one thing Ret is going to be struggling on as usual, it's movement. Its that one extra half a second to adjust and move yourself over with the tank while not dropping your rotation. Final verdict did more for dps maintenance in WoD than I think anyone gave it credit for. Those of you in the top 1% of raiding you need to move on and ignore this post I understand you have a symbiotic mind link with your tank, but most of us don't. Those in the lower echelons, please don't discount final verdict as a crutch. It's an extremely versatile crutch.
Comment by Bohrizan
I can't wait (hopefully) until we can equip a total of two legendary items. The Mad Paragon + Vanguard's Momentum would be incredible.
Comment by wowgamer59
I went to see if there was a place in the forums to post this comment but it crosses forums to I'll make a quick comment here and since I've not commented on Wowhead before someone can let me know if I should have done this differently.So, while part of my comment is specific to ret pally, it has some roots going back to these various web sites.
I was trying to find out what are the best legendaries for ret pally so thanks for that but unfortunate to find out that the one I already got from a world boss is the one at the bottom of the list. I was hoping to use it just to finish the Final Pieces quest so to my dismay that it's probably not worth it. I look to see what it takes to get the Mad Paragon. Oh, you have to do the Quest the Great Vault. Are you kidding me?
And that is my more general rant against WoW and a lot of the websites. Not all of us are interested in M+ runs or raiding. And a lot of the websites are focused on that. What about us regular joes that just want to play an interesting game and can't give the time soak of raiding and so forth.
And so if someone asks why do I care about legendaries then, well, I guess don't but Blizz gives me quests to go into Torghast to do, like rescue people and like this Final Quest. So, to finish the quest I need to make one (haven't seen any for sale on AH yet, or the missives) put to spend all of this time in Torghast to make something for nothing.....?
To be clear, those that like to run M+ and raids (harder content) should get better gear for their efforts. I'm not expecting their levels of rewards (which I hear are pretty lame in SL) but why make me make legendaries for nothing then? To try and sell on AH for money? If one has limited time to play, sure don't want to spend all the time in Torghast that is required. That is just boring content, much like the daily and WQ.
Why do I bother playing? And have been doing so since late 2004? This is because there are a lot of the aspects of the game I like. And I'll stop there.
Thanks for your time.
Comment by Socairnone
Im not really into doing dungeons raids etc at any levelits difficult to be available at the right times and in the past I used to do a lot of raids and dungeons and found a lot of the people involved seem to think WoW is a life and death career and become very anal about almost anything
But I digress
Once again we have to run them to farm various mats with which to make the better gear
but I also quest a lot to farm the damned rep we need despite blizz saying no more rep farming.... i never fell for any of that bull
So to my questions
would someone please tell me if the legendary's are actually going to be better than my 197 queensguard gear?
base items seem to be whatever level shadowghast gear you can make ...I think way of finding out anything in game...
i can make 190 armour on my blacksmith there is a link to a calculator that uses crappy 157 gear ... so im guessing you can use any shadowghast gear
So in regard to my Ret Pally if these legendaries are worth making in what order should I make them?
and if you can level-up the legendaries do you do it?
and for general questing and the necessary dungeon raids and mythic runs which are the best attributes to put on to ret pally legendary gear?
Sorry to ask so much but I'm not finding any good sources of info in game at all.
SO any and all advice would be greatly appreciated
Comment by alpanhell
Funny this is the only author that requires you to use sims to pick secondaries...Comment by Enejaner
I do question as a lazy shlub who doesn't want to run the sims himself/don't trust my own testing methods. With the recent 50% uptime Nerf of Divine Resonance is it still the best or worth making?Contribute
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Comment by wuzzle
Does The Magistrate's Judgment stack it's effect? Divine Toll could then potentially provide a free Holy Power Spender. I guess it's why it's recommended in the guide?Comment by jay100384
I'm about to craft my first PVP legendary. For clarity, as Kyrian you still would recommend The Magistrate's Judgment or would you now favor The Mad Paragon instead? Or perhaps another? Thank you.