Pirate King Tips And Tricks
Journey of the Prairie King starts off fairly simple but can become quite difficult. Here are some tips and tricks to help you beat the game. Firstly, you should stay in the center of the map as often as possible. It is very easy to get trapped along the side or in a corner. Instead of hugging the walls, stay in the center. Coin Master Teams: All you need to know. Post published: July 21, 2021. Post category: events. Post comments: 1 Comment. Teams is one of the newest features in Coin Master. Teams consist of a maximum of 50 players and within a team you can give each other spins and cards.
If you came here looking for tips for Pirate Kings, you are definitely in luck my friend! We recently updated our list of cheats and hacks for Pirate Kings in 2017! Check out all the tips and tricks below:
When in doubt, hook up your social media to your game.
As with a lot of games out there these days, connecting up your game to your Facebook account is an absolute must for a variety of different reasons. In Pirate Kings, one of the biggest favors you can do yourself is linking up your Facebook account to your game, thins is due to the fact that a lot of what you do in Pirate Kings requires you to play with your friends, essentially turning the game into a multiplayer game. So if you don’t connect with your Facebook or have at least twenty friends via game center, you’ll just end up playing with the same collection of computer players over and over again, which as you can imagine would get incredibly boring very quickly. The fun things about this game are getting to loot places and steal stuff from a lot of people, if you don’t have a lot of people, you run out of things to do really quickly. You’re also faced with the dilemma of being unable to make a lot of progress when it comes to dominating the other islands, on your own things move really slowly because you lack the help of your friends, whereas if you have more way to get the resources you need such as gold, you will be able to upgrade you ship, meaning that you’ll be able to take over other islands a whole lot quicker.
Keep up to date with the latest news on the Facebook page.
In this day and age, everyone and their mother needs a Facebook page, this is no exception for games. If you type in Pirate Kings in the search bar on Facebook, it will take you to the Pirate Kings Facebook page where you’ll be able to like it and get updates about what is going on. Pay attention to this page as they will occasionally post news about the latest updates dues to be releases and they also announce competitions, new sales in the in app purchase store and even share sneak peeks about upcoming content. So do yourself a favor and get yourself in the know about everything that is going on in the Pirate Kings world and like their Facebook page!
Make sure you’re regularly spinning the wheel!
When playing Pirate Kings, you need to ensure that you are maximizing the potential opportunities to make as much gold as you can do, and the best way of lazily doing this is by spinning the wheel as many times as the game will allow you to do so every hour. In addition to this there is also a playable bonus mini game that you can try to make up a little more extra cash, this can be played once per day, so you’ll definitely want to try it out in order to really be raking in those extra pieces of gold. When it comes down to it, in the game, the main goal is to collect up as much gold as you absolutely can, the more money you’re able to collect, that faster you’ll be able to upgrade your ship, equaling in the faster domination of islands. Since the main thing you will own in this game will be your ship, you need to put a lot of focus on building it up as much as you can, getting it upgrading as high as possible, this will help you on when raiding and battling. When spinning the wheel, you’ll also notice that there are attack options and stealing options, so as you can tell, there are still other ways to make gold besides your hourly wheel spins. Since there are so many different items and structures, it’s easy to lose track of exactly what you ought to be doing, but ultimately it all comes down to the development of your ship and making it as strong as possible.
Unlock as many islands as possible.
When playing Pirate Kings, you’ll progress at a pretty easy rate, unlocking islands as you go along, but this might not be happening as quickly as you would like, the faster you unlock and dominate the islands, the quicker you are declare the pirate king! There are a very wide range of islands within the game, all of which can help you out when it comes to making gold and items. Each island you play on has a treasure that is unique to that specific island; there are also island specific battles in addition to this, so you have plenty to do as long as you gave available islands. You might notice some rare islands are only available on particular islands whilst not on others, so always make sure you are continuously exploring so you are able to collect as many different items as possible without missing out. the more battles you find yourself in means the more chances you have to earn gold and other special items. Also, don’t forget that the majority of items within the game all have varying skills and effects, so try to collect as many as you possibly can so that your skillset end up being a wide range. All of this will help contribute towards the ultimate domination of the game.
It’s okay to take a break!
Once you really get into the game, it’s easy to just keep on playing and playing, but if you find yourself against a wall it’s okay to take a break from the action part of the game, go back over places you’ve previously visited and collect up some more items and gold. This is also a good approach if you find that you lack resources and needed to take a breather anyway. You don’t always need to completely concentrate on moving forward in the game, you can still explore places you visited before, play around with improving your ship and various other things.
Some tips and tricks you better know. Including a 'Infinite Campaign Workaround'.
Starting Classes, Orders
As you start the game, you can choose from 4 classes, more classes later but as i played the game i feel these three are perfect combo:
Blacksmith, to tank up damage, relying on armor and strength (build up resistance with honeyed sponge, and equip high +strength +armor items). Deals physical damage so gives this class black candies. Scholar, to deal magic damage, relying on resistance and intelligence (build up armor with salty jawbreaker, and equip high +inteligence +resistance items). Deals (most of the weapon and end game weapon) magical damage, so give this class spirit taffies. Hunter, to ambush enemy, relies on awareness, speed, and dodge (build up dodge by rogue's brew). Has multiple option to deal damage, but the some of the best endgame options are either declan's bow (magic damage), musket (good for ambushing small enemy, or heavily armored enemy, physical damage). Since the type varies, it's not that worth to invest any black candies or spirit taffies into hunter.
It's really important to make hunter go last because he is the one who do ambush, ambushed enemies will get isolated. If it wasn't a camp you ambush, the target wouldn't have to call nearby enemies (red field) to help in combat so face them one by one. Red field are who able to battle, including your party members and enemies, ambushing three target one by one is easier to deal instead of dealing with three of them at once. And probably save more lot of HP, too.
Also by succeeding a ambush, the one who ambush get free first attack turn, regardless of enemy speed. Use this advantage to kill the target before it even can react (hint: pair with musket).
Keep in mind tho, failing a ambush will gives enemy a free first attack, so always let hunter/any high awareness do the job.

Things You Better Know
Try not to purchase breakable stuff as it will breaks as you miss, save your money for better items like this (lore unlocks are good!)
Max level cap is 14 if anyone wondering, try to level to 14 before you engage the final boss in Frost Campaign as you have the 'time'
Also, by ending the turn in the boat, unless you step in near the snow shrines (quests), you wouldn't take any damage, so just roam around and hunt that way.
Universal Hint: equip hp regen items before turn ends to gain hp, in frost campaign tho, you cannot heal in the snow area, make sure you made your way into town/boat to do this.
Infinite Campaign
Pirate King Tips And Tricks Free
Did anyone of you notice two things?
Frost Campaign and Gold Rush Campaign has no chaos, so no time pressure. The final ending for the Frost campaign is beating the final boss in the frost tower.
And the final ending in the Gold Rush campaign is giving Lucky 100 coins.
What if you just don't finish it? That's right! Infinite Campaign!